
The gates of the Alhambra

After the author's previous work, The Gates of the Alhambra and the Generalife, the present work is published in guidebook format.

The gates of the Alhambra


The gates of the Alhambra 

Itinerary guide form taking a stroll

After the author’s previous work, The Gates of the Alhambra and the Generalife, the present work is published in guidebook format.

Emulating Gallego and Burín’s Itineraries and Echeverría’s Velázquez Walks, in this case, it proposes a journey through the monumental complex to contemplate, discover, and learn about the history of the gates of the Alhambra in person. With a valid ticket for visiting the Gardens and the Alcazaba, visitors can explore the 18 gates, some by walking through them or from nearby and others by admiring their beauty from a distance, as access to the general public is not permitted.

The route indicated is recommended, but it can be started from any point, as each gate is identified on the general map.


©The gates of the Alhambra, 2024.
©Enrique J. Jiménez Cotelo.
© ALIAR 2015 Ediciones S.L.

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Páginas: 148
Tamaño: 21 x 30 cm
Cubierta: 300 gr. Mate.
Interior: Estucado 125 gr.
Solapas: No.

ISBN: 978-84-10374-33-1
DL: GR 941-2024

Impreso en España


Enrique J. Jiménez Cotelo

Enrique J. Jiménez Cotelo. Granadino. Nacido, criado y que ha vivido durante toda su vida en el reino de Granada. Con formación y experiencia en el mundo empresarial. Los últimos 25 años ha trabajado en el sector bancario. Actualmente, prejubilado, dedica su tiempo, entre otras muchas cosas, a dos grandes pasiones: la fotografía y la Alhambra.